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Game and Fish Urges Caution on Missouri River Boating - Printable Version

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Game and Fish Urges Caution on Missouri River Boating - FishNews - 05-20-2011

High water levels on the Missouri River will likely influence recreational activity for at least the next couple of months.

In addition to reduced boat launching access and inundated sandbars, State Game and Fish Department officials have received numerous calls in the last week from Missouri River shoreline landowners in the Bismarck-Mandan area who are concerned about boating traffic on the river and the potential for creating large waves on the shoreline.

While Game and Fish is not planning any additional restrictions on boat travel at the moment, according to enforcement division chief Robert Timian, the department is urging boaters to exercise caution when traveling near shorelines.

"We're asking that boaters voluntarily travel well away from shorelines when possible," Timian said. "The high water means that most of the river is useable for navigation, so boaters shouldn't have any problems maneuvering in the main channel.

"The primary function of boating regulations is public safety," Timian added. "If it gets to a point where our agency and other local law enforcement feel the high river flows are creating a public safety issue, we'll set up some type of public meeting to take comments from area political leaders and citizens before we would implement any special restrictions."

The travel caution applies to many other waters in the state as well, Timian said. "Anywhere that water is higher than normal, to avoid conflicts boat operators should plan their travel well away from shorelines if possible," he said. "A little common courtesy will help everyone adjust to the high water, so by the time warmer weather arrives, things will seem like business as usual."

More information on Missouri River boat ramp accessibility is available on the Game and Fish Department website at