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Mantua? - Printable Version

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Mantua? - Capt.Nereus - 12-08-2010

How is the ice on mantua doing, anyone still out there?

Re: [Capt.Nereus] Mantua? - karl_l - 12-09-2010

Went out today. Top inch or so is getting a little iffy, but still a good 3" of solid stuff underneath that. You might have a bit of trouble getting on though, it's a bit soft near the edges. Fishing was pretty good too, in about an hour and a half caught 3 trout and 3 bluegills.

Re: [Capt.Nereus] Mantua? - AFK2Fish - 12-09-2010

Also fished there today. I fished by the ramp in about 13' of water from about 1-4:30. I'd noticed that people had started going out near the inlet, so i drove over to take a look, but decided to stick near the ramp area since i'd been going there for a week or two now, and not much liking to test things out when im alone..

I didnt manage to catch any gills, but i did haul in a dozen or so bows in the 12-15" range, and caught 2 keepers over 16".

This isnt usually the advice I give to people about ice fishin, but if you go and arent sure if its safe or not, dont push it. Fishing "near" other anglers isnt a terrible thing to do (if your curtious and quiet [:p]).

Re: [Capt.Nereus] Mantua? - Capt.Nereus - 12-09-2010

Thanks guys I think I'll head out in the morning. I appreciate the heads up.

Re: [Capt.Nereus] Mantua? - midge - 12-09-2010


If you ended up going to Mantua today (Thrus.), could you please report on the ice conditions. I'm planning on going Fri. morning, but the reports of deterating ice and the current weather pattern, has me questioning the strength of the ice at Mantua.


Re: [midge] Mantua? - fishmaniac - 12-09-2010

I fished the east side by the pipe last weekend and the ice was fine. solid 3-4 inches of ice where i was

Re: [fishmaniac] Mantua? - midge - 12-09-2010

Thanks for the intel.! Did you happen to catch any fish species other than 12-14" finless freddies?

I have heard and read reports of soft edges and that the upper 1/2 - 1" of ice has deteriorated. So, I'm looking for an up to date ice conditions report from ice anglers who may have fished Mantua today (Thrus.). Thx in advance!

Re: [midge] Mantua? - timberhall - 12-09-2010

If it where me I would give i another week to be safe but that is just me.

Re: [midge] Mantua? - fishmaniac - 12-09-2010

Caught about 20 bows and only 1 gill. There was about an inch of water on top of the ice due to the recent rain storm when I was there and about a half inch of ice on top of that water. There was still the 3-4 inches of clear solid ice under that though

Re: [fishmaniac] Mantua? - CoyoteSpinner - 12-10-2010

Thanks for the info and the updates. 'Fraid my newbie-ice nature gives me a wee bit of the willies when it comes to slush on top of some ice.... but glad to know some folks are gettin out and gettin on the bites.

If anyone is headed out over the weekend - I'd love to know. Haven't been out on ice (yet) and not sure I've got my boy on-board. Want to be sure we're going on safe ice for a first try. Seems kinda iffy still - what I hear. Though Mantua seems one of the earlier freezers.
But if you're headed out and want a 'ice-buddy' I'd be glad to bring a rope and a float. I'll go solo on a lot of lakes with my 'lil rig, but somehow - new ice gives me a different caution.

Thanks for the ongoing updates. Lovn' it.

Re: [midge] Mantua? - Capt.Nereus - 12-10-2010

I ended up fishing in the afternoon and did ok. The top layer of slush was frozen solid, other than that conditions are like what have been mentioned.

Re: [Capt.Nereus] Mantua? - midge - 12-10-2010

Thanks for the information! I think I'll consider other options.


Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Mantua? - AFK2Fish - 12-10-2010

Looking like im going in the morning (friday) with a friend or maybe solo with my lifejacket, anchor, and rope!