got eggs ? - Printable Version +- Fishing Forum ( +-- Forum: Michigan Fishing Forum ( +--- Forum: Michigan Fishing General ( +--- Thread: got eggs ? (/showthread.php?tid=52254) |
got eggs ? - lonehunter - 06-29-2003 [signature] Re: [lonehunter] got eggs ? - davetclown - 06-29-2003 sounds like tourist kill unless you dug up the eggs and planted them in a sandy area in the sun some where away from the road. the reptiles are smart when it come to finding just the right thermal conditiones for planting their eggs, but locations at times are less than desierable at times. I have built tourtle incubators they are realy quite easy. a 2x6 nailed in to a box frame filled with play sand on the southern exposure of the house will incubate the eggs properly. I do this when I find a snapper that has eggs in the belly. turtles can hold eggs for several years till they think the conditions are just right for incubations. after eggs hatch you emeadeatly take the hatchlings to their proper areas; box turtles to furn forest and snappers to swamp land connected to larer lakes painted turtles to the shore of lakes. this will provide the best posible contitions for survival for the hatchlings. mostly becoause the journy home is the most dangrous time for them after hatching. there are all sorts of critteres that eat these new hatchlings like possoms racoons crows you know with the thousands of mobiles traveling down that road some one will drive over that spot and crush the eggs. It is always a pleasent suprize to see nature at work. thanks for the snap shot....[cool] [signature] Re: [lonehunter] got eggs ? - davetclown - 07-01-2003 here is a pic of a female snapper, you will have to click on the attachment below to see it, the pic is to big to post... [signature] Re: [davetclown] got eggs ? - lonehunter - 07-01-2003 I WOULD HAVE HAD A PIC OF A DEER IN THE WATER FEEDING OFF THE SAWGRASS ROOTS IN THE TROUT STREAM I WENT TO , BUT MY VEST MADE TOO MUCH NOISE WHEN I REACHED FOR THE CAMERA . IT WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF A BEND FROM ME ABOUT 40 FEET AWAY . IT KEPT COMING BACK ABOUT THREE TIMES FUTHER DOWNSTREAM , TOO FAR FOR A PIC . THAT SNAPPER IS A LITTLE BIGGER THAN THE ONE I GOT LAST YEAR . BUT WHEN I WAS A KID IN MAINE ( ON VACATION AT GRAMS AND GRAMPS ) MY COUSINS AND I HAULED IN A 4 FOOT ONE FROM THE BLACK STREAM IN HERMON , HAD A DATE CARVED IN IT'S SHELL FROM THE 1800'S . GRAMPS MADE US LET IT GO EVEN THOU WE WERE GETTING TURTLES FOR MEAT . HE SAID A OLD GUY LIKE THAT DESERVES TO LIVE OUT THE REST OF HIS LIFE IN PEACE . THAT PHILOSOPHY HAS STUCK WITH ME EVER SINCE . LET THE BIG GUYS GO , KEEP THE EATERS . [signature] Re: [lonehunter] got eggs ? - davetclown - 07-01-2003 I got a pic of a deer the other day, I am going to use it in a hunting report on why you dont shoot deer running a way from you. they say one picture is worth a thousand words, well this one explains why every one misses deer attempting to make that shot. I will pop it in here for you later on tonight. [signature] |