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Pastor shot a turkey - Printable Version

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Pastor shot a turkey - Jaackrabbit - 06-04-2009

My pastor asked if he could go sit out in my deer blind and do some turkey hunting during the week. I told him sure go ahead... and reminded him to bring a couple cans of off cuz misquitos have been pretty thick off the swamp area.

Well I didn't hear anything else about it. Actualy kinda forgot all about it. On Sunday after church he was out in the lobby, when I came up to say hello, he pulls out this picture he had in his pocket......sure enough... there he is, leaning up against my blind with a big ole bird spread out in front of him.

Apparently the entire flock came out he said he had 14 birds come past in total. The bird in the picture was number 14..........

Don't have any details for you other than it was pretty big. Said he was going to make some turkey jerky and bring it in for after church snacks in a couple weeks.