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Making wine during the slow season. - Printable Version

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Making wine during the slow season. - gdn443 - 12-20-2008

[url ""][Image: icon_minipost.gif][/url][size 2]Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:44 am Post subject: Making wine in the slow season[/size][url ""][size 2][Image: icon_quote.gif][/size][/url] [url ""][Image: icon_edit.gif][/url] [url ""][Image: icon_delete.gif][/url]

[size 2]I always make 6 gals. of wine every November and decided to add 2 gals. of honey wine to the yearly mix. This was different as I had to boil the must first. I keep them both near the pellet stove to maintain 72 degree temps for fermintation. After two weeks I can rack them again then let sit for 6 months before I bottle. Added a little more suger to the mixes to put alittle punch to them. [/size][Image: icon_eek.gif][url ""][Image: 1229780736_TZLgEZ7Rm.jpg][/url][url ""][Image: 1229780793_LE0YsRzKs.jpg][/url][url ""][Image: 1229780765_VUGo8hFa8.jpg][/url]

Re: [gdn443] Making wine during the slow season. - wiperhunter2 - 12-20-2008

Sounds like a fun way to spend the slow season, at least you get a reward when your finished[Wink]. Have you tried making beer[Smile]?

Re: [wiperhunter2] Making wine during the slow season. - gdn443 - 12-20-2008

I did try making some wheat ale a few years back, but it costs me about the same to buy it. Sam Adams is better at it than I am.