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All Oregonian Ocean Salmon Fishing is now closed. - Printable Version

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All Oregonian Ocean Salmon Fishing is now closed. - Mc_Lennon - 08-19-2008

If you were expecting to be able to catch salmon in the ocean off of the Oregon coast this season, your time has expired. Although the Chinook season has been closed all year, a meger stock of Coho were available for sport anglers to harvest.

The area between Cape Falcon, Oregon, and Leadbetter Point, Washington, including the Columbia River to bouy 10, closed August 17th at 2:00 P.M. The quota of 10,180 Coho was reached on Aug. 14th.

The area between Cape Falcon south to the California boarder closed on August 14th, at 11:59 P.M. after the quota of 9,000 Coho was reached.

All reports to the charter industry have been that seasons and restrictions in 2009 will mirror, if not be more stringent, than 2008, including once again a complete closure of Chinook angling in the Pacific Ocean.

The good news is that stocks are average returning to rivers state wide, and the runs are already starting. The Smith, Siuslaw and Umpqua River systems are seeing extremely good runs and fishing results. And, angling is open for both Chinook and Coho. Just keep an eye on the proclaimation to make sure the area you plan to fish is open, and what methods are legal.

Re: [Mc_Lennon] All Oregonian Ocean Salmon Fishing is now closed. - davetclown - 08-20-2008

Thanks for the heads up...