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Night of the Living Duck ! - Printable Version

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Night of the Living Duck ! - davetclown - 01-20-2007

Pun Intended....
True story in todays local news.

it turns out a hunter was out hunting, bagged himself several ducks. one of the hen mallard he brought home and thew in the freezer whole because he had decided to have it mounted...

a couple days later his wife went to the freezer to pick out a duck for dinner, she picked up the fethered mallard to move it aside to grab a dressed one below it, Well when she had the lifeless bird in one hand and was reaching for the other, it lifted its head and looked at her...

Well it was too late, Like my ma ma always said, if you play with your food you wont be able to eat it. and sure enough, she took it to the vet. and wouldnt ya know it the mallard survived. and is doing well, and will be released in the spring...

Is there a moral to the story? I think so, one should not aught to be eating ducks that rise back up from the dead! [center][shocked][/center] [center]Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope![/center]

Re: [davetclown] Night of the Living Duck ! - lunkerhunter2 - 01-21-2007

Wow, what a story(true?) maybe. All i know is that if they were in UT they would have been cited for not immediately killing the hen and reducing it to posession. LOL![Wink]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Night of the Living Duck ! - davetclown - 01-21-2007

Ya, true story....

I have that kind of luck too, last time I had any envolvment with a duck I had to pay 50 dollars restotution because some one pulled a duck out of my number one musk rat leg trap and took it to a vet.

lol, the only thing thay had to do was release the duck, a number one leg iron wont break a pinky bone let alone a duck leg...

the judge reduced it to a no charge, but I still had to pay the vet bill.

I called lesson learned, never set a trap even remotely visible to a road.

your right tho' it is against the law to posses a live mallard here with out a special license in michigan as well. Our CO's are sticklers about it too, I wonder if the hunter got a knock on the door...

Re: [davetclown] Night of the Living Duck ! - gdn443 - 01-25-2007

Heard this on the radio as well. Thanks for filling in the details that they left out.

Re: [gdn443] Night of the Living Duck ! - davetclown - 01-25-2007

I oopsed on one detail, it was a fridgerator not a freezer... but other than that I beleive I got the rest corect..

but you do have to admit that is one tough bird, bet he would have made tough pot of duck and dumplings.

I also have to admit I wouldnt have eaten it either. for a couple reasons, one being after surviving being shot, grabbed by a dog drug though the swamp in a dogs mouth, shoved in a pouch with other dead ducks, hauled in the back of the truck for a couple hours, layed around in the fridge for a couple days guts still in side. just emagin the toxins in its system, dead or alive...

I am not one for senceless killings...

becides of which, my taxidermist is strange, for some reason he dosnt like live models [sly]

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Night of the Living Duck ! - davetclown - 01-30-2007

Dawn of the living duck II

Well the duck went in to for sergery for sergery from gunshot wounds, and died on the opperating table....

end of the story, NOPE<<<

they resessitated the duck and now the duck is alive and well again....

Look out energiser bunny, the duck is after your job....[laugh] and he's a migrant worker....[sly]

Re: [gdn443] Night of the Living Duck ! - davetclown - 01-30-2007

[font "verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif"][size 2][url ""]Duck Comes Back From Dead, Again[/url] [/size][/font]
[li]Video: [url ""]Lucky Duck Ducks Death[/url][/li]

Re: [davetclown] Night of the Living Duck ! - CROSSINEYES - 02-01-2007
