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North Carolina Announces Fly Fishing Clinics - Printable Version

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North Carolina Announces Fly Fishing Clinics - FishNews - 12-15-2006

On Dec. 20, more than 250 brook, 100 brown and 650 rainbow trout will arrive at North Carolina's John E. Pechmann Fishing Education Center in Fayetteville in preparation for five fly-fishing clinics, which will be held starting in early January.

The clinics, sponsored by the state's Wildlife Resources Commission and Fayetteville-Cumberland County Parks and Recreation, are scheduled for Jan. 13 and Jan. 27; Feb. 10 and Feb. 24; and March 10.

The first three clinics, open to first-time participants only, will focus on fly-fishing basics - casting, knots, laws and regulations, and general equipment knowledge. The Feb. 24 clinic, for anglers with advanced fly-fishing skills, will cover more difficult techniques, such as advanced casting, fly tying, and equipment assembly. The March 10 clinic is open only to Boy Scouts who are interested in earning their fly-fishing merit badge.

In addition to stocking the ponds with trout, Commission personnel are providing loaner rods and reels and tackle to all registered participants.

All clinics are limited to the first 40 entrants and pre-registration is required. Last year, clinics filled up quickly and Kristopher Smith, center director, expects an equally positive response this year.

"These clinics have become extremely popular," Smith says. "Entire families have utilized the clinics in order to enjoy the sport of fly-fishing together. Participants pick up new skills and many were excited about getting out into the streams and enjoying a new sport."

Interested anglers should contact Fayetteville-Cumberland County Parks and Recreation at Lake Rim, (910) 424-6134. A fee of $5 for each participant is due at the time of registration.

For more information on fishing in inland, public fishing waters, contact the Commission at (919) 707-0220 or visit the fishing section on the Commission's website,