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Here's my buck(s) ! - Printable Version

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Here's my buck(s) ! - lonehunter - 12-09-2006

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=20005;]
4-1/2 year 8 point
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=20006;]
2-1/2 year spike

Re: [lonehunter] Here's my buck(s) ! - Kraizee_Skot - 12-09-2006

[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Great work!!! Looks like somebody is going to be eating good this winter.[cool][/size][/#ff4040][/font]

Re: [lonehunter] Here's my buck(s) ! - lunkerhunter2 - 12-10-2006

Nice job! Where do you live that you get 2 buck tags? Or did you hunt 2 states?

Re: [lunkerhunter2] Here's my buck(s) ! - lonehunter - 12-10-2006

Michigan , I purchased the combo license , it can be used to tag 2 deer but the rules on what deer may be taken can be confusing .I'll give you the basic laymans understanding on how it works .

You can use them (COMBO TAGS )in any season or combine them for different seasons . We have six season hunts in three zones statewide . one zone is shotgun , muzzleloader and bow only , the other two are open to bow , rifle , shotgun and muzzleloaders , each zone and hunt has different hunting dates . Regular firearm starts on November 15 statewide .

With the combo license you can take a total of two deer , the second tag can be used only for deer with 4 points or better on one side no matter what hunt you are using . The first tag can be used in bow season for an antlerless deer but it can not be used for an antlerless deer during any of the firearm seasons , even if you are using a bow .

Regular deer license , you can only buy a total of two tags per year , You can purchase licenses seperatly , but you can posess only one of those licenses during that hunt only .

Bow season : one antlerless deer or any antlered deer may be taken first or second with the first combo tag ,
one deer being 4 points or better on one side on the second combo tag .

Firearm Season and then the muzzleloading season (COMBO TAG ): one antlered deer with antlers 3" above the skull and up , the second 4 points or better on one side . no antlerless deer can be taken unless you have a antlerless deer permit , your bow tag can not be used as an antlerlees tag during firearm season . bowhunters must follow all firearm rules during the firearm season .

The other 3 seasons generally fall under the firearm season rules with some different rules that apply to each one , they are , the youth hunt , the special disabled firearm hunt , and the late firearm hunt . some of these hunt periods are overlaping with other hunt periods and zones .

Some areas of the state offer additional antlerless licenses for private lands and public lands , some by lottery , some over the counter , and some ( farm land ) by block permits . These are called antlerless permits and can be used during any of the deer hunt seasons for the area that they are for .

A few years back in certin areas you could purchase as many antlerless licenses as you wanted in a day untill the quota was filled for licenses for that area , now I belive it has been limited to one antlerless license per day untill the licenses are gone .

During firearm season I can go into the woods with all of these at the same time , rifle ,shotgun, pistol , muzzleloader , but i can't posess a bow , .22 shell , birdshot shotgun shell or a slingshot while carrying a firearm.

Is it confusing yet ?
I have met hunters in the woods , men and woman that have hunted for 20 years or better that still don't know what deer they can or can't take during the seasons .If you read our hunting handbook you would understand why .

Back in the good ol' days , you could take a bear under your deer license , you were also allowed a "camp deer " , a free deer to live off of during your deer camp hunting expearance .

leagaly I am taged out on bucks unless I hunt under a block permit , other than that I can purchase an antlerless tag for a doe to do a little more deer hunting .
I think , the rules are so confusing [crazy] .

Re: [Kraizee_Skot] Here's my buck(s) ! - lonehunter - 12-10-2006

Thank You !
the mount will be done sometime in september of 07 . the venison has already hit the table a few times , i sure hope it lasts till icefishing season hits [Wink] .

Re: [lonehunter] Here's my buck(s) ! - davetclown - 12-12-2006

Congrats on the bountiful harvest....

its muzzle loading season here, I finaly tracked down a couple deer, It was kinda rough since these deer were flying. [shocked] and the tracks were hard to track on moving clouds...[laugh]

since I am short a muzzle loader the only thing I had to shoot with was a camera, so here is what I shot...

can any one tell how many points he is?

Re: [davetclown] Here's my buck(s) ! - lunkerhunter2 - 12-12-2006

I can see 32.

Re: [davetclown] Here's my buck(s) ! - lonehunter - 12-12-2006

thats bullWinkle !!!

Re: [davetclown] Here's my buck(s) ! - Kraizee_Skot - 12-13-2006

[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]That's an easy broadside shot![Tongue][/size][/#ff4040][/font]