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Caught the most fish - Dryrod - 03-16-2006

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Over the years which fly has been the most productive for you?[/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - IceRod - 03-18-2006

Over the years a Royal Wulff or a Yellow Humpy have produced fish for me when nothing else would.

Re: [IceRod] Caught the most fish - flygoddess - 03-19-2006

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]My favorite go to is a Haresear and red Copper John nymphs and my Micro midge for a dry, but, still water is one of my Gartside soft hackles.[/size][/black][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - gdn443 - 03-19-2006

The March brown has brought me many fish to the table. Thats always been my favorite.

Re: [gdn443] Caught the most fish - hpb - 03-20-2006

Elh hair caddis- then a muddler. If I had to be stranded though. I would want a black crappie jig and white crappie jig and a 2" floating brown and gold rapala. I haven't used them in years- but if it was life or death they will put the most food on the table day in and day out.

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - davetclown - 03-20-2006


I have had tremendous luck with bar flies, the right presentation is it keep the drinks comming untill his Loc-Jaw loostens up and he tells me where he has his barrol of fish cached at.

I like the wooly bugger all different sizes yellow green or orange work best for me.

Re: [davetclown] Caught the most fish - Dryrod - 03-20-2006

[center][Tongue][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Is this what you had in[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][/center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=14879;]

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - davetclown - 03-21-2006


Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - DKStroutfitter - 03-22-2006

Royal Wulff on top Woolly Bugger on bottom.

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - campfire - 03-22-2006

I agree with the Royal Wolf but I have to add the Renegade for surface action. I also find it interesting that these two flys really don't imitate any insect that I know of. For nymphing I have to mention the lowly glow bug. I find any nymph pattern works better behind a GB attractor and I usually catch just as many on the BG year round. Go figure.

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - maddawg - 03-22-2006

I would have to say the Para Adams on the surface and a DA Caddis under


Re: [campfire] Caught the most fish - flygoddess - 03-22-2006

[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 4]A renegade I was told is suppose to represent a snail and I think that is why they work so well.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 4]Like I said, that is what I was told.[/size][/red][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - Fishhound - 04-05-2006

I can't say I have had one fly that has outshined the rest, but these are the ones that I have had the most success with.


1. Haresear nymph
2. Houndshair nymph
3. pheasant tail nymph
4. scud/sowbug


1. adams
2. gnat
3. caddis(home growed)
4. skeeter


1. bugger/worm/leech
2. dace/muddler/sculpin
3. zonker
4. yellow salley


1. ant
2. hopper
3. cricket
4. beetle

Re: [Fishhound] Caught the most fish - windriver - 04-05-2006

Royal Wolf on top

BSFlies light olive crystal underneath


Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - Dryrod - 04-05-2006

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Should have mentioned my own pick which would be the Royal Wulff. [/size][/green][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Caught the most fish - Curtis_L - 04-07-2006

Dynamite emerger!
