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new place - hara - 05-22-2001

I am pissed at my perivous wholesaler.Can someone recommend another one??Prebably in CA.The perivous oe said if you get this amount you get free shipping so I got it but some of the items were backordered(never contacted about this) so they ship it.When I pay the bill I notice a bill of $41 just for shipping.I had maybe a 6-7 pound box and a blank..I shouldn't have been charged at all.<br><br>So please help me out.<br><br>

Re: new place - LeeParsons - 05-22-2001

I don't know who you were using, but I use 3 suppliers for just about everyting, Custom Tackle, Versitex and Mudhole. There is a guy in CA that I get blanks from occasiobnaly he is Mickey Batson of Utmost Enterprises.<br><br>Lee<br>Lee's Custom Rods<br>"Quality is the product of crasftsmanship"

Re: new place - hara - 05-22-2001

I am using Merrick tackle.Their prices are greats but their communcation and customer service just sucks.Lee sent me an email with the addresses of all the places.I had two customers waiting for reels they are backordered.So i figure ok only few weeks.I call and they say they don't when. I said approx. date.Again I don't know.I said when do you get your penn things in normally.They say oh well it could come tommorrow or two weeks from now.They are playing games.They know when they order and when they get stuff.I am a business so I am looking for a wholesaler.I am in the process of trying to direct through the manu facters but it's hard<br><br>

Re: new place - Mark_C - 05-25-2001

Get hold of a copy of Rodmaker magazine and look through it at all the ads for dealers of components. Or do a search here on the web. <br><br>

Re: new place - hara - 06-17-2001

Sorry but I get much better prices from a local dealer and would rather support him.I think I'm going to try custom tackle.Very friendly so far<br><br>