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Oregon Fishing Update - Printable Version

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Oregon Fishing Update - TGF - 12-31-2004

Oregon Fisheries Update

December 31st - December January 6th, 2005

Rain will benefit most coastal streams which have been low and clear. Look for improved conditions and numbers of winter steelhead in the Wilson, Nestucca, Three Rivers and others. A few bright chinook remain in the rivers although retention closes on December 31st.

The Coquille and Umpqua have been productive on the South coast. Rain will turn on steelhead in the Sixes.

A few winter steelhead have been taken in the Clackamas and Sandy Rivers, both of which will only improve following the precipitation we're receiving currently.

The water level is good on the North Santiam but only natives are present.

Sturgeon fishing has remained slow in the Columbia but should improve near St. Helens. The lower Willamette, also slow for sturgeon, will benefit as the rainfall raises the water temperature above the current high 30-degree-range.

Crabbing has been very good out of Hammond and should stay rewarding until the commercial pots go in around mid0January.

North and South coast bays are productive for Dungeness and will remain so as long as there isn't so much rain as to lower the salinity which forces these tasty crustaceans out into the ocean.

2005 fishing regulations are in place starting Saturday, including new length limits for sturgeon. Anglers are advised to get a copy of the new booklet and don't forget to pick up those 2005 licenses and tags!

No trout stocking is scheduled this week.

Happy New Year form the TGF staff.

Soapbox Update:


I don't generally draw negative attention to our beloved Department's of Fish and Wildlife but this proposal is really frying me! Why would our Departments (both Oregon and Washington) allow a three-fold increase in steelhead mortality, putting fragile wild stocks at risk, for the harvest of a few thousand more hatchery Chinook? If there was ever a time for sportanglers to unite………..THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ ON:

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