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Passing of a Angler,with a HEART of GOLD. - Printable Version

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Passing of a Angler,with a HEART of GOLD. - ROMEROFISHERKING - 06-05-2004

I was leaving this evening on the Native Sun Twilight,when I recieved a page; It was a Good Friend of Mine Shana Barton from the South Bay Lady Anglers.She was calling to inform me that another Good Friend of mine ARTHUR "ART" RUIZ,was in Bishop and had a Massive Heart Attack,and was pronounced B--D--,and were going to disconnect him tonight...Art Ruiz and his wonderful wife Reylina,voluntered there time and efforts to absolutely every Fishing Derby,without discrimination.Art's passion to see kids catching fish along side there loved ones,set a standard in everyone's heart who knew him.In this sport,i've seen alot of ego's,and bickering,around kids events,but "ART RUIZ"was far beyond this.He never let "That!" ever come into his Heart.I've learned alot from Fishing Industry Leaders,and am still learning,but the sincerity,and dedication that "ART" gave to "So Many Kids Events," I've got to Say My Heart is Burdened by his loss,but all of us anglers,can find a lil" of "ART's" attitude in each of us.It is ironic,that before I jumped on the boat this evening,I was looking forward to seeing him,this comeing Saturday the 12,at my park,for Dan Hernandez's Derby,to reminise about a time in the past where we absolutely Laughed our A--Off!...Well,...I don't know where to go from here..Neverless,ART,I caught Fish tonight for you,because,you would have wanted that way! You Are Going To Be Truly Missed,and when I get on board the boat tomarrow night.I'll Ring The Bell,in Passing the LightHouse out of Long Beach.....Good Bye for now Capt.RUIZ.......Mark

Re: [ROMEROFISHERKING] Passing of a Angler,with a HEART of GOLD. - JapanRon - 06-09-2004


Losing someone is not easy. Especially someone you ofen had good times with. My condolances to you and his many other fishing buddies.
