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Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Printable Version

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Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - doggonefishin - 07-02-2013

If it was so cut and dry, as you imply, then why doesn't the DWR pursue charges against the perps? I think most of us would like to see these anglers held accountable.

A quote from a biologist isn't necessarily proof of official designation as a hatchery. Little Dell or Manning meadows can also be so designated, but the code is writen so the angler knows what the boundaries are.

Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishrmn - 07-02-2013

Playing it close to the vest. Maybe they're waiting to see if they can get more than one perp. Lots of possibilities.

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - riverdog - 07-02-2013

Sportsman aren't generally required to do a search of UDWR's website to determine where it's legal to fish. They put out a proclamation online and in print. I like many others weren't aware of it being a hatchery. Mountain Dell has been mentioned because it's listed as closed to fishing on the Proclamation. No reason even to waste time on trying to determine who caught the fish as there's not going to be any one prosecuted.

Re: [riverdog] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishrmn - 07-02-2013

Page 17 of the current Utah Fishing Guidebook:
Quote:Closed areas
All of the state’s fish hatcheries are closed to fishing. All of the state’s waterfowl management areas are also closed to fishing unless they’re posted open to fishing or they’re listed as open to fishing in Rules for specific waters on page 20.

Funny thing is that some of you are willing to take the context of a comment to a newspaper reporter as gospel. i.e. No one will be prosecuted. While at the same time you seem willing to discount the FACT that the UDWR lists the facilities at the Lee Kay Hatchery as such.

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - riverdog - 07-02-2013

Not at all. It's just that Lee Kay ponds was handled differently than any other hatchery in the state. The state is now correcting that. I bet not only will they put up signs stating it's a hatchery and closed to fishing but they'll list it in the proclamation from now on. A search on UDWR for fish hatcheries puts this as the first match
and it has no mention of Lee Kay Ponds. I'm sure if you already knew it was a hatchery it's easy to find that information on their website without having to wade through hundreds of search matches.

Re: [riverdog] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishrmn - 07-02-2013

Typed Lee Kay in the search box on the UDWR website. Third hit lists this:

If it waddles like a duck, flies like a duck, has feathers like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, has webbed feet like a duck, eats like a duck ...... it's a duck.

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - brookieguy1 - 07-02-2013

[quote Fishrmn]
Quote:As it turns out the fishing was probably not illegal because there were no signs around the ponds explaining that it was a state fish hatchery and because there are no state regulations on true muskie because they only exist at Lee Kay.

[size 6][red]HORSEFEATHERS[/red][/size]

Quote:R657-13-19. Season Dates and Bag and Possession Limits.

(1) All waters of state fish rearing and spawning facilities are closed to fishing.

It was, and is, against the law to fish at the Lee Kay Center. The lack of signs doesn't change the law.[/quote]Thank you. +1

Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - wiper_junkie - 07-02-2013

[quote doggonefishin]RE" It was wrong for the DWR not to secure it but they probably thought no person of any aptitude could have thought it legal to fish the area."

You presuppose three things.

1. That all anglers are smart enough.
2. That all anglers are knowledgeable enough.
3. That anglers will be ethical.

For the first one, reading the nonsense on internet fishing forums is sufficient proof that there are plenty of world class morons out there. The second, it is clear that many/most anglers don't know what is going on with Utah fishing in general and specifically, the Lee Kay TM project. And third, it is Sad but true that there are always a bunch of unethical anglers around. We see their BS actions all the time when fishing.

Yes, the perp(s) is a genuine delta-bravo, but the DWR absolutely dropped the ball on this in not protecting their valuable investment with the proper signage, barriers and for &@*% sakes, regulations! Again, inexcusible![/quote]

You hit the nail on the head doggonefishin! Nice going to all of the @$$ holes who wiped out the musky stocks! There's always some people who will screw everyone else though their own greed and/or ignorance..... Fred K.

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - riverdog - 07-03-2013

OK thanks for proving my point that if you want to confirm what you already knew it's fairly easy otherwise UDWR was very misleading. Tell me what other hatcheries don't have signs up and aren't easily found on a search for fish hatcheries on UDWR site because I'm sure I'm not the only one that isn't aware if this problem is widespread.
It's not like broodstock don't end up in community ponds sometimes.
I won't argue the point further as I'm sure UDWR is fixing their mistake whether isolated or widespread.

Re: [riverdog] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishrmn - 07-03-2013

Tell me which other hatcheries are listed in the proclamation? I've never seen a no fishing sign at the Springville hatchery. The stream that feeds it was closed during the Whirling Disease scare. It's open now.

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishrmn - 07-03-2013

At the 59 second mark, where does he say he's at?

The warm water hatcheries, managed by the Division of Wildlife, at the Lee Kay Center.

How could anyone be fishing there without knowing that they were fishing where they shouldn't have been?

Re: [Fishrmn] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - doggonefishin - 07-03-2013

We could go back and forth on this indefinitely, (and knowing you, you would), but the story done by channel 2 last night is informative.

Basically, per Mr. Hadley, the DWR spokesman, the DWR accepts full responsibility for the fiasco, has put up the proper signage, and doesn't plan to prosecute anyone. Hopefully, lessons were learned all the way around.

Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - Fishsticker - 07-03-2013


I can't believe what some people will do.

Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - brookieguy1 - 07-04-2013

Find this clown. "Citizens arrest....citizens arrest!!!
Put him in a hotbox!

Re: [brookieguy1] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - doggonefishin - 07-04-2013

[quote brookieguy1]Find this clown. "Citizens arrest....citizens arrest!!!
Put him in a hotbox![/quote]

You may not be far off. Maybe the reason they aren't considering prosecution is that the guy(s) would thus be publicly identified and they fear that TM anglers would find the dude and do serious bodily harm to him.

Re: [doggonefishin] Smoking hot muskie fishing for one, big setback for tiger muskie anglers. - brookieguy1 - 07-04-2013

I hope the guy is having severe nightsweating and other mentally disabling issues over his deltabravobaggery.. He needs to look behind him for the rest of his miserable life.